Do you wish Eclipse would just fix the problem, refresh the file, and let you edit it?
If the answers to these questions are "YES" then I invite you to comment/vote on a bunch of Bugzilla entries that we are discussing these issues on.
Bug 14867 - Don't force me to refresh all the time
Bug 303517 - Update IResource sync state in a timely manner when discovered out of sync
Bug 337446 - Text search should handle out-of-sync resources
your links point to blogger.com url
Fixed... sorry about that.
Thanks for the article btw, a lot of users find this confusing and especially users who are not familiar with Eclipse and expect things to just work.
You can enable auto-refresh in Eclipse:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Refresh automatically
Automatic refresh unfortunately has really poor performance on a lot of platforms, and especially so if the files in your workspace reside on a remote machine (via EFS).
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