Thursday, October 18, 2007

Paintball, The "Other" Planet Eclipse, and A Humble Request

The other day a bunch of us here in the lab went out paintballing as a sort of team-building event. Little did the poor saps know that I used to play every single weekend, have all my own gear, etc. Needless to say the other team was frequently punished by the steady rain of purple paint from my tricked out Classic Automag .68 hammering down upon them. Muwahahah.

Oddly enough, going out with my co-workers has bitten me with the paintball bug again, so when waiting on a build I was checking around online to see how much some of the new markers I like cost. While looking around, I saw for sale a "Planet Eclipse 07 Ego" paintball marker. "There's an Eclipse paintball marker? COOL!!!" Intrigued, I Googled further, and it seems that is the website for the paintball company called (you guessed it) Eclipse that makes this particular marker.

They even have a marker that comes in a cool purplish-blue colour that sort of fits with the theme of our favourite IDE...

So instead of giving away Eclipse mountain bikes this year, how about some cool Eclipse paintball swag? This is way cooler than a mountain bike...

Here's hoping anyway :-)

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